Sharing my love for clothing, make-up, kindness and beauty in general, spiced with a hint of critic on society at times.

vrijdag 28 oktober 2011

Lavender hair.

I'm too scared to try.. I'm scared to look like those creepy gran's :s

maandag 24 oktober 2011

Chanel Allure Velvet

Why is it when I go shopping for new shoes, hat, jeans, I always end up buying new lipstick?
It's not that I need them really bad, I just love all those different textures, colours, effects and feel.
-I just want new Chanel lipsticks.
And these velvet ones are so amazing. I almost want to eat them. It's a real classy feel about them, especially those brown ones. like a 20's movie star.
I bought a pink one though, Nr. 34. It's nice.

zaterdag 15 oktober 2011

woensdag 12 oktober 2011

I have a Hart of Gold

Sadly, the quality of the picture is painful.I'm trying to improve the whole thing, but here I am: a noob with no knowledge about.. uhm, 'advanced' technology.

zondag 25 september 2011

Talking about elegance..

...I bought army boots. I know, I contradict myself. I can talk what I want, but there is no way army boots can be talked elegant.
But.. But, I've been searching for army boots in my size for ages, I couldn't resist *sadface*

And why am I searching for excuses? My whole style, life, taste is contradictory.

zaterdag 24 september 2011


I have always been of the opinion that we live in the most unsophisticated time of at least 300 years. Walking around in sports clothing is no problem, the only thing that is considered beautiful is thinness. Intoxicated people swaggering around in the city at night while shouting insults is a ordinairy sight, and doesn't draw any attention anymore.

Being an independent woman is a beautiful thing to me, being a total bitch is not, although than seems to be seen as a human right by many women.
Class is hard to find anymore. Remaining silent when someone gives offence is almost seen as a weakness, instead of strenth and class. The right of free speach does not have to be used all the time.
When I look at victorian photographs on the internet I see strong and smart woman, and although they didn't have the right to vote yet, they were powerful in their own elegant way.
When I see photographs of actresses from the roaring 20's, I see woman who're beautiful, flawless(although that might be because of the fact that the camera's couldn't capture a flaw yet..). They're so classy, while having fun. Isn't that perfect? I can't wait till this becomes en voque again.

Clara Bow. Isn't she gorgeous?

Is being sophisticated a lost quality? Has being smart, beautiful and independend become an impossible combination? 

Spending quality time on your appearance without overdoing it has truly become a talent, which I am learning to master, but in a world where time is money, and staying in bed for 10 more minutes is the most heavenly gift one could get me, it's hard to get early out of bed to have the time to carefully ajust my make-up.
With men it's just the same of course. When was the last time you saw a man wearing a fedora? Or a suit?(en then I mean in real life, Mad Men doesn't count).

I think after the 50's class disappeared bit by bit out of society, and was considered for old French ladies. And it has still that image, of high, and old, society. Posh society with an unbearable accent that makes you want to hit them or rub their noses in stink. 
Shouldn't we change that image? Don't hide that dark lipcolour in the back of your make-up box, but wear it with pride and form.
Don't hide your love for class and elegance(you know you have it), and just buy that handmade hat.

Ignore the thoughts in the back of your head that say you might look like you're trying too hard, it's a waste of possibilities for clothing, make-up and appearance.
Be just as admireable as you are in your dreams.

donderdag 22 september 2011

Beautiful people

Yesterday evening I put together, no, I composed, the most charming, sophisticated outfit I could possibly make out of my wardrobe, ever. Okay, so maybe not ever, and sophisticated might not be the word everyone would use. Actually I wouldn't use it myself either. Okay, but anyway, it sure looked nice. It was almost completely white. White panties, little black dress, (but a white poncho over it) white felted bag, and white shoes. I even had a white necklace, a bird skull I got from Etsy.
I would look like an ice princess, a nordic Godess. A cute petite snowflake.

Yeah, like this.

Actually I looked more like a snowball.
I like to exaggerate.
Point is, it didn't look as most extraordinairely awesome like it could look.
I have breasts and hips, and sturdy yet soft legs. I do not look like a model.
Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with my body, but a slimmer, more flat body would be FAR more convienient when it comes to clothes. They fall better.
Also, I do not have the most flawless, sculptured and symmetric face. I'm not butt ugly(if I may say so myself), but I'm not angelic. But the same t shirt that would look boring on me, could look amazing on a girl with a face of a godess, while we the same body.

OKAY, so, now I can get to my point. Finally.
It is the truth that when you look perfectly beautiful, it's harder for people to see your flaws. Though when you're a normal girl, or boy for that sake, and you have the exact same flaw(let's say your nailpolish is cracked) people will notice it easier.

So when beautiful people wear a slightly weird outfit they're adored for their daring and creativeness.

When a girl who is not slim or has a face that is considered a little 'ugly' by most of us, wears a slightly weird outfit they're really weird.

dinsdag 20 september 2011

Poncho's and DIY bags.

I bought one. A poncho, I mean.
I suspect it's handmade.Thrift stores are ideal for just starting/hobby designers. Create your thing and sew your brand name in it, then bring it to those stores. You get a little money for it once it is sold, and your name just started to get known.

Allright, maybe it's not the best, or fastest way to get known, but I think it would be fun to know if people like your stuff.

With that, I saw this leather bags by Wig Anthology. I like the simple and natural style and colours, and I might try to make one myself. I just remembered I once bought white leather at a fair, so I could try. The handles will be a problem though.
Any tips for making nice handles, pl0x?


vrijdag 2 september 2011

Being everything is total Freedom

About 2 years ago I bought my first ELLE Magazine.
This act didn't change my life, though it did change how I regarded myself. I realised who I was, and what I wanted, and even more what I didn't want. Now I wasn't anything anymore, but everything. There was the critic in me, who questioned our society, and there was the sophisticated lady, with a taste for class and good books. There was the geek, and the make-up addict.
A rebel. A fashionista. An environmentalist. A materialist. A tramp, a punk, a metalhead.
A lady.
I am everything, and at the same time, I am nothing. No box for me, no name, no bonds. I like what I like, without being chained to a style or opinion. Boxes limit your freedom, increase your fear for change and new things. Bonds too, limit your ability to change.

I'll never stop learning new things, trying new things, or changing, just because people expect me to. By being everything, no one will expect me to do things just because I should according to my clothing, opinions or interests.