Sharing my love for clothing, make-up, kindness and beauty in general, spiced with a hint of critic on society at times.

vrijdag 2 september 2011

Being everything is total Freedom

About 2 years ago I bought my first ELLE Magazine.
This act didn't change my life, though it did change how I regarded myself. I realised who I was, and what I wanted, and even more what I didn't want. Now I wasn't anything anymore, but everything. There was the critic in me, who questioned our society, and there was the sophisticated lady, with a taste for class and good books. There was the geek, and the make-up addict.
A rebel. A fashionista. An environmentalist. A materialist. A tramp, a punk, a metalhead.
A lady.
I am everything, and at the same time, I am nothing. No box for me, no name, no bonds. I like what I like, without being chained to a style or opinion. Boxes limit your freedom, increase your fear for change and new things. Bonds too, limit your ability to change.

I'll never stop learning new things, trying new things, or changing, just because people expect me to. By being everything, no one will expect me to do things just because I should according to my clothing, opinions or interests.

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